[FazZ's blog: Half Of Me Is Enough...]
Perempuan kan.....
1. Perempuan itu tidak guna kain yang nipis untuk membuat bajunya, sehingga terbayang kulitnya. Kerana dia tahu, bahawa pakaian seperti itu adalah pakaian yg layak dipakai oleh perempuan jalang.
2. Perempuan memang tidak guna rantai kaki yang berloceng utk dililitkan pada kakinya. Rantai ini apabila dipakai walaupun tersembunyi tetap bergemerincing dan menarik perhatian orang lain, lebih-lebih lagi lelaki JAHAT. Dia tahu sekiranya dia memakainya juga dia telah melanggar larangan Allah dalam ayat 31 surah An-Nur.
3. Perempuan memang tidak guna minyak wangi yang baunya semerbak. Wangian sebegini mempunyai kuasa penyerakan bau yang amat tinggi kerana kadar kemeruwapannya tinggi. Biasanya kekuatan bau ini menunjukkan kadar kekompleksan rantai alcohol (secara kimia) yg digunakan utk membuat pewangi itu. Perempuan yang tidak memakai wangian yang kuat ini tahu bahawa inilah yang dipesan oleh nabi. Sabda junjungan bahawa wanita yang keluar rumah dgn memakai wangian, adalah seperti pelacur. Bukan tidak boleh berwangi-wangi tetapi bersederhanalah dlm pemakaian wangian tersebut.
4. Perempuan memang tidak guna kata-kata yang keji, kerana dia tahu sesiapa sahaja yang bercakap perkara yang keji adalah mereka yang rendah akhlaknya. Lelaki atau perempuan yang bercakap menggunakan perkataan yang buruk @ jahat, adalah seperti sepohon pokok yang rosak akar tunjangnya. Dia tahu bahawa perumpamaan perkataan yang baik dan buruk dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam ayat 24-26 surah Ibrahim.
5. Perempuan tidak guna masa berborak untuk mengatakan hal-hal orang yang disekitarnya atau dengan kata lain mengumpat, memperkatakan keabaian saudaranya. Dia tahu bahawa sekiranya orang yang suka mengumpat baik lelaki atau perempuan dia seolah-olah memakan daging saudaranya sendiri. Apakah sanggup kita memakan daging saudara sendiri? Persoalan ini ditanyakan kepada kita dalam firmanNya ayat 12 surah al-Hujurat.
6. Perempuan memang tidak guna tudung tiga segi, apabila memakainya diselempangkannya sehingga nyata bentuk perbukitan pada badannya. Sememangnya ia menjadi tatapan mata lelaki yang jahat yang terkena panahan syaitan. Dia tahu apabila bertudung, dia mesti melabuhkan tudungnya sehingga menutup alur lehernya dan tidak menampakkan bentuk di bahagian dadanya. Pesan Rasul seperti yang disuruh oleh Allah tersebut dalam ayat 59 al-Ahzab. Begitu juga seorang lelaki yang bergelar suami mesti memberi peringatan untuk isteri dan anak-anaknya.
7. Perempuan memang tidak guna lenggok bahasa yang boleh menggoda seorang lelaki. Jika bercakap dengan lelaki yang bukan mahramnya, bercakaplah dengan tegas. Jangan biarkan suara lentukku untuk menarik perhatian lelaki yang sakit dalam hatinya. Sememangnya suara perempuan bukanlah aurat, jika aurat maka Allah tidak akan menjadikan perempuan boleh berkata-kata. Bertegaslah dalam percakapan, jangan gunakan suaramu untuk menarik perhatian lelaki sehingga menjadi fitnah buatmu.
Bahaya suara wanita yang bercakap dengan gaya membujuk yang boleh mencairkan keegoan lelaki (yg bukan mahramnya) dicatat dalam ayat 32 surah al-Ahzab. Makna ayatnya lebih kurang begini "Maka janganlah kamu tunduk dlm berbicara sehingga berkeinginanlah orang yang ada penyakit dlm hatinya dan ucapkanlah perkataan yang baik".
'Tunduk' di sini ditafsirkan sbg berbicara dgn sikap yang boleh menimbulkan kebaranian orang untuk bertindak jahat kpd mereka. "Penyakit dlm hati" adalah keinginan seorang lelaki utk melakukan perbuatan sumbang dgnnya seperti berzina. Mengapa? Lelaki sangat mudah tertarik kpd seorang wanita melalui suaranya.
8. Perempuan memang tidak guna alat make-up untuk menonjolkan kejelitaannya melainkan di hadapan suaminya sahaja. Adab bersolek (tabarruj) ini amat ditekankan kepada wanita muslim (muslimah) kerana semestinya kecantikannya adalah hak ekslusif yang mesti dipersembahkan kepada suaminya. Jika ingin keluar bekerja, dia memakai make-up secara bersederhana sahaja sehingga tidak jelas kelihatan pada wajahnya dia bersolek. Jangan bersolek sehingga cantiknya anda sehingga kadang2 wajah anda menjadi seperti hantu. Hendak bergincu? Jika bergincu, pakailah yg tidak menyerlah warnanya atau Mengapa tidak pakai lipstick sahaja?
9. Perempuan tidak guna kain tudung yang jarang-jarang seperti jarangnya jala yang digunakan untuk memukat haiwan akuatik. Kerana apabila memakai tudung seperti ini, akan nampak juga bahagian yang sepatutnya ditutup rapi dari pandangan orang lain. Rambut adalah mahkota, tetapi jangan biarkan mahkota itu tidak 'berharga' dengan menayangkannya tanpa sebarang perlindungan. Jika mahkota berharga disimpan dengan rapi di dlam sangkar, dan ditambah pula pengwal untuk menjaga keselamatannya, maka demikian juga dengan rambut wanita. Sangkar itu adalah kain litup yang sempurna dan pengawalnya pula adalah ilmu yang diamalkan oleh anda untk memakainya dengan cara yang terbaik.
p/s- Dah 21, tapi rasa seperti cara berfikir masih lagi belum dewasa... bagaimana, ya?
[Scenery] Ashita no Kioku~
Turn the page, new story is being written now;
What's written today, is tomorrow's memory...
Previously 'Travel With Me' (TWM); this used to be a mean of communication with my Mom while I was in Perth, now it's mainly life reflection, contemplation, and my life journey archive; with some reviews here and there. Like they said, there's more beneath the surface.
August 31, 2005
August 30, 2005
Jump to [Mencari Petunjuk]
I wanted to write something about the coming Malaysia's Merdeka Day (which will be in about 40 minutes time?). Unfortunately, I am not really in a mood nor have I had any inspiration to write anything about it. Only one question that keeps on playing in my mind over and over again that I'm getting sick with it (and push me to write this entry): 'Yes, we are independent physically. But mentally....???'
You answer that yourself.
However, thanks to Huda for pointing out a few good points regarding this issue... Head to [Mencari Petunjuk: Keranamu Malaysia...?!] to read the continuation of:
'Esok, kita semua akan menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-48. 48 tahun merdeka daripada penjajahan British. Jalur Gemilang sudah dikibar-kibarkan di sana-sini termasuklah di rumah-rumah setinggan buruk. Pejabat-pejabat kerajaan mahupun swasta berlumba-lumba menonjolkan siapakah di kalangan mereka yang lebih sifat patriotiknya. Anak-anak sekolah berlatih menyanyi lagu 'Keranamu Malaysia' oleh guru-guru yang kemudiannya melaungkan "Merdeka! Merdeka! merdeka!" disambut suara-suara halus comel anak-anak yang masih putih hatinya....'
You answer that yourself.
However, thanks to Huda for pointing out a few good points regarding this issue... Head to [Mencari Petunjuk: Keranamu Malaysia...?!] to read the continuation of:
'Esok, kita semua akan menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-48. 48 tahun merdeka daripada penjajahan British. Jalur Gemilang sudah dikibar-kibarkan di sana-sini termasuklah di rumah-rumah setinggan buruk. Pejabat-pejabat kerajaan mahupun swasta berlumba-lumba menonjolkan siapakah di kalangan mereka yang lebih sifat patriotiknya. Anak-anak sekolah berlatih menyanyi lagu 'Keranamu Malaysia' oleh guru-guru yang kemudiannya melaungkan "Merdeka! Merdeka! merdeka!" disambut suara-suara halus comel anak-anak yang masih putih hatinya....'
August 28, 2005
Syukran, wahai sahabat!
Syukran banyak-banyak to mereka di Brisbane (Mas, Fazz, Salwa, Denise, Leen, Rabbit etc), mereka yang di Melbourne (Mawar etc.) mereka yang di Malaysia (my beloved sister, my family, Shaza, Hidayah, Farah Shuhana, Liza etc.) and Kakak from Japan....
Not forgetting the Perth people:
Special thanks to my syifa': Hasni, Zura, Shu & Ima for the replacement of my school bag :D Also big hugs to Fhad, Yan & Intan for the thoughtful phone call in the morning. And special thanks to Mounts Bay girls (Alia, Shila, Diana & Zura) for the small birthday bash (which I appriciate a lot, considering I wasn't in a mood for any big bash at the moment). Winks to Alia, Shila, Diana, Mateen & Pojoe for the self-made card (which was very naughty, but I'll keep it as one of my 'treasures'). Also many thanks to Alia, Pojoe, Yuyu, Shila & Dean for the presents (and cake) and thanks to Poknik, Fadzli & Ija for the birthday wish...
Last, but NOT least, warmest hug to Dini (and Kak Murni) for the Belgian chocolate... uhibbuki fillah on the friendship...
Should I forgot anyone, I apologize... The truth is you'll always be in my heart. (Apologies to Ila & Farah who tried to call last night at 12 and I didn't picked up the phone- misplaced it. But really appriciate the calls all the way from Malaysia!)
Syukran for the warm wishes and unforgettable memory of one August 28th. I really appriciate it. And no, being 21 doesn't change anything and I still feel the same.
Masih jauh lagi perjalanan ini... masih banyak lagi yang perlu dipelajari...
Hazwani Z. Ariffin
August 28 2005/23 Rejab 1426
P.s- I think one of the best presents I got was a persuasion from Zura & Hasni to read a short novel called 'Seindah Mawar Berduri'. Jazakillah sisters...
Not forgetting the Perth people:
Special thanks to my syifa': Hasni, Zura, Shu & Ima for the replacement of my school bag :D Also big hugs to Fhad, Yan & Intan for the thoughtful phone call in the morning. And special thanks to Mounts Bay girls (Alia, Shila, Diana & Zura) for the small birthday bash (which I appriciate a lot, considering I wasn't in a mood for any big bash at the moment). Winks to Alia, Shila, Diana, Mateen & Pojoe for the self-made card (which was very naughty, but I'll keep it as one of my 'treasures'). Also many thanks to Alia, Pojoe, Yuyu, Shila & Dean for the presents (and cake) and thanks to Poknik, Fadzli & Ija for the birthday wish...
Last, but NOT least, warmest hug to Dini (and Kak Murni) for the Belgian chocolate... uhibbuki fillah on the friendship...
Should I forgot anyone, I apologize... The truth is you'll always be in my heart. (Apologies to Ila & Farah who tried to call last night at 12 and I didn't picked up the phone- misplaced it. But really appriciate the calls all the way from Malaysia!)
Syukran for the warm wishes and unforgettable memory of one August 28th. I really appriciate it. And no, being 21 doesn't change anything and I still feel the same.
Masih jauh lagi perjalanan ini... masih banyak lagi yang perlu dipelajari...
Hazwani Z. Ariffin
August 28 2005/23 Rejab 1426
P.s- I think one of the best presents I got was a persuasion from Zura & Hasni to read a short novel called 'Seindah Mawar Berduri'. Jazakillah sisters...
August 27, 2005
Hadith of the Day
Listening to: Kembara Hidup by DeHearty
Hadis hari ini:
Daripada Abu Abdullah al-Nu'man ibn Basyer r.a. رضي الله عنهما beliau berkata: Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya perkara yang halal itu terang jelas, dan sesungguhnya perkara yang haram itu terang jelas, dan di antara kedua perkara tersebut ada perkara-perkara syubhat yang kesamaran yang kebanyakan orang tidak mengetahuinya. Barangsiapa yang menjaga perkara syubhat maka sesungguhnya dia telah membersihkan agamanya dan maruah dirinya. Dan barangsiapa yang terjatuh dalam perkara syubhat, maka dia telah jatuh dalam perkara haram, umpama seorang pengembala yang mengembala di sekeliling kawasan larangan, dibimbangi dia akan menceroboh masuk ke dalamnya.
Ketahuilah bahawa setiap raja ada sempadan dan sesungguhnya sempadan Allah itu ialah perkara-perkara yang diharamkanNya. Ketahuilah bahawa dalam setiap jasad itu ada seketul daging yang apabila ia baik maka baiklah seluruh jasad dan apabila ia rosak, maka rosaklah seluruh jasad. Ketahuilah ia adalah hati."
(Hadis riwayat al-lmam al-Bukhari dan Muslim.)
Hadis ke-6 daripada Hadis 40 himpunan Imam an-Nawawi.
Boleh di download di sini
Hadis hari ini:
Daripada Abu Abdullah al-Nu'man ibn Basyer r.a. رضي الله عنهما beliau berkata: Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya perkara yang halal itu terang jelas, dan sesungguhnya perkara yang haram itu terang jelas, dan di antara kedua perkara tersebut ada perkara-perkara syubhat yang kesamaran yang kebanyakan orang tidak mengetahuinya. Barangsiapa yang menjaga perkara syubhat maka sesungguhnya dia telah membersihkan agamanya dan maruah dirinya. Dan barangsiapa yang terjatuh dalam perkara syubhat, maka dia telah jatuh dalam perkara haram, umpama seorang pengembala yang mengembala di sekeliling kawasan larangan, dibimbangi dia akan menceroboh masuk ke dalamnya.
Ketahuilah bahawa setiap raja ada sempadan dan sesungguhnya sempadan Allah itu ialah perkara-perkara yang diharamkanNya. Ketahuilah bahawa dalam setiap jasad itu ada seketul daging yang apabila ia baik maka baiklah seluruh jasad dan apabila ia rosak, maka rosaklah seluruh jasad. Ketahuilah ia adalah hati."
(Hadis riwayat al-lmam al-Bukhari dan Muslim.)
Hadis ke-6 daripada Hadis 40 himpunan Imam an-Nawawi.
Boleh di download di sini
August 26, 2005
OSCE Anyone? [2]
I passed my OSCE! *jump with joy*
Many many thanks to the first years who were willingly became my 'models'- Yan, Fhad & Intan!
And also, the groupmates that I had constantly work with- Zainab, Lulu, Jess & Afaf :D
p.s- I can do clinical examination on my family soon! Wakakakaka :p
I passed my OSCE! *jump with joy*
Many many thanks to the first years who were willingly became my 'models'- Yan, Fhad & Intan!
And also, the groupmates that I had constantly work with- Zainab, Lulu, Jess & Afaf :D
p.s- I can do clinical examination on my family soon! Wakakakaka :p
August 24, 2005
A week of memorable pictures
This entry would be only pictures and a little bit of description. Because I feel like it :p
So, first and foremost, HAPPY BELATED 21st BIRTHDAY TO SHAZA HAZRIN (picture)!! May Allah bless you. Wish I'm back home to celebrate your birthday... Always smile, Angah- because it's truly lovely! All the best in your studies... Meanwhile, enjoy your holidays!
Then, CONGRATULATIONS TO SU & MUL!!! the newlyweds last Sunday, here in Perth! May Allah bless both of you and your marriage!
//With the 'hantaran' djhfwfhehfhfvuv hufwhvhwehvfhftcnfc//With the bride's family members
//Cake, anyone? fhivfhehf hewruhc fhfashf vregjbybtjuv //At the restaurant where the lunch was held
//The girls & Su before 'akad nikah' whf hfuwiwZvvZf//Picture with tanter & her family whom used to iw gf gfiweh oefhuehfey7h 27ysuhrvfkwhsch dfjkhveeZZ awefhdgtaoZZch host Su & these 3 girls (Diana, Zura & Shila)
During the 'akad nikah' ceremony, I'm sure some of the girls present sighed with a thought of 'Nak kahwin jugak' :p But then again, when you think about the resposibility of a wife, you shudder... Adrina and I were conversing on the way back from MCW meeting the other day and we both agreed that it's sort of a trend that people tend to get married at such young age these days... On one side, yes, it's good because you're avoiding negative things... Rather than keep on making sins, it's better to make a relationship valid (as in 'menghalalkan perhubungan). Also, you are avoiding rumors and gossips...
On the other hand, getting married while you're studying could become a bit of a burden- mostly financially. Apart from both are still too young and haven't yet set their feet into real world, money will be a big issue... The question now will be do I still be under my parents' wing financially, or should I be the one taking care of them? When talking about marriage with adults- this will be the first thing that comes to their mind.
But then again, considering on both arguments... fairly speaking, I rather keep the relationship valid (as in 'menjaga perhubungan') and keep myself and my family's name safe from any rumors or gossip or in fact from any more sins. Not that I have any intention of getting married soon :p
Afterall, He is the one who gives us rezeki, with a reminder in mind that we have to work (usaha) for it. Consider both pros and cons of marrying early... if it's better for you to wait, why rush?
P/s- Missing this (below) girl: al-Huda
This entry would be only pictures and a little bit of description. Because I feel like it :p
So, first and foremost, HAPPY BELATED 21st BIRTHDAY TO SHAZA HAZRIN (picture)!! May Allah bless you. Wish I'm back home to celebrate your birthday... Always smile, Angah- because it's truly lovely! All the best in your studies... Meanwhile, enjoy your holidays!
Then, CONGRATULATIONS TO SU & MUL!!! the newlyweds last Sunday, here in Perth! May Allah bless both of you and your marriage!
//With the 'hantaran' djhfwfhehfhfvuv hufwhvhwehvfhftcnfc//With the bride's family members
//Cake, anyone? fhivfhehf hewruhc fhfashf vregjbybtjuv //At the restaurant where the lunch was held
//The girls & Su before 'akad nikah' whf hfuwiwZvvZf//Picture with tanter & her family whom used to iw gf gfiweh oefhuehfey7h 27ysuhrvfkwhsch dfjkhveeZZ awefhdgtaoZZch host Su & these 3 girls (Diana, Zura & Shila)
During the 'akad nikah' ceremony, I'm sure some of the girls present sighed with a thought of 'Nak kahwin jugak' :p But then again, when you think about the resposibility of a wife, you shudder... Adrina and I were conversing on the way back from MCW meeting the other day and we both agreed that it's sort of a trend that people tend to get married at such young age these days... On one side, yes, it's good because you're avoiding negative things... Rather than keep on making sins, it's better to make a relationship valid (as in 'menghalalkan perhubungan). Also, you are avoiding rumors and gossips...
On the other hand, getting married while you're studying could become a bit of a burden- mostly financially. Apart from both are still too young and haven't yet set their feet into real world, money will be a big issue... The question now will be do I still be under my parents' wing financially, or should I be the one taking care of them? When talking about marriage with adults- this will be the first thing that comes to their mind.
But then again, considering on both arguments... fairly speaking, I rather keep the relationship valid (as in 'menjaga perhubungan') and keep myself and my family's name safe from any rumors or gossip or in fact from any more sins. Not that I have any intention of getting married soon :p
Afterall, He is the one who gives us rezeki, with a reminder in mind that we have to work (usaha) for it. Consider both pros and cons of marrying early... if it's better for you to wait, why rush?
P/s- Missing this (below) girl: al-Huda
August 20, 2005
Pada suatu pagi yang aman, nyaman dan *brrrr* sejuk di musim salju, kami berjalan (melihat dan mentafsir :p) di 'hutan rimba' di Kings Park sambil bergumbira mengambil gambar... dan...
Tapi, alhamdulillah.... semua orang selamat... :p
Berjalan Melihat Mentafsir (NowSeeHeart)
Berjalan melihat jalan yang tercengkam
Kerana dua halangan satu keegoan dua kesempitan
Pahit kita tempuhi bersama
Tiada pernah dipinta
Kita teruji hingga menghinakan
Kita tersimpul hingga melupakan
Hubungan yang telah lama ada
Padamkan segala api
Yang bisa membakar kita
Tanamkan benih mahmudah
Yang suburnya membawa erti
Tapi, alhamdulillah.... semua orang selamat... :p
Berjalan Melihat Mentafsir (NowSeeHeart)
Berjalan melihat jalan yang tercengkam
Kerana dua halangan satu keegoan dua kesempitan
Pahit kita tempuhi bersama
Tiada pernah dipinta
Kita teruji hingga menghinakan
Kita tersimpul hingga melupakan
Hubungan yang telah lama ada
Padamkan segala api
Yang bisa membakar kita
Tanamkan benih mahmudah
Yang suburnya membawa erti
August 19, 2005
History: Jump to [Nuu Run A'laa Nuur]
(Editted on August 24th)
I wrote an article about the importance of learning history earlier this year, after reading an article in a paper high up on the sky, on the way from KL to Perth. But it was too sarcastic and 'pedas' for my liking (or anybody I think) so I abandoned the idea of publishing it anywhere.
Haven't been visiting a senior's blog for quite some time. And alas! She cleared some matters in my mind through her writing...
"Zionisme mengikut kebanyakan kamus falsafah didefinisikan sebagai satu gerakan ideologi yang menyokong pergerakan politik yang menumpukan perhatian kepada pembinaan dan perkembangan politik dan agama dalam negaraYahudi yang bebas,yang sekarang merupakan Israel.
Walaubagaimanapun, berdasarkan hasil kajian kami, Zionisme boleh ditakrifkan sebagai satu gerakan yang sangat merbahaya kepada dunia dan manusia lain yang bukan berbangsa Yahudi..."
Click here to continue reading and widen your knowledge and learn something that maybe you've never thought of before.
P/s- Rindu coretan-coretan Kak Fatiha...
I wrote an article about the importance of learning history earlier this year, after reading an article in a paper high up on the sky, on the way from KL to Perth. But it was too sarcastic and 'pedas' for my liking (or anybody I think) so I abandoned the idea of publishing it anywhere.
Haven't been visiting a senior's blog for quite some time. And alas! She cleared some matters in my mind through her writing...
"Zionisme mengikut kebanyakan kamus falsafah didefinisikan sebagai satu gerakan ideologi yang menyokong pergerakan politik yang menumpukan perhatian kepada pembinaan dan perkembangan politik dan agama dalam negaraYahudi yang bebas,yang sekarang merupakan Israel.
Walaubagaimanapun, berdasarkan hasil kajian kami, Zionisme boleh ditakrifkan sebagai satu gerakan yang sangat merbahaya kepada dunia dan manusia lain yang bukan berbangsa Yahudi..."
Click here to continue reading and widen your knowledge and learn something that maybe you've never thought of before.
P/s- Rindu coretan-coretan Kak Fatiha...
August 18, 2005
Jump to [Saifulislam.Com] or [Enigma Tanah Melayu]
It's fitrah for a man to want entertainment. And I believe Islam has never say no to this. When we say about entertainment, please don't narrow your mind to just music and movies. Poetry, novel, theatres and even watching the nature etc. are just few examples I could think (of entertainment) at the moment. But it's sad, and almost heart-breaking to see a phenomenon back home where the scenario is no longer different from the Western world. I have always said to myself, at least back home, where it has been declared as an Islamic country, it would have been better in sense of morale and entertainment compared to here. But how wrong was I? It was sort of a joke that my friends and I had sometimes not too long ago: 'Got a culture shock as soon as the plane landed on KLIA'. I wonder if we all could make a difference... And I believe if we work hard enough, we will, InsyaAllah. After all, I've realized that there's a new raise of awareness in these kind of issues in the young people's minds now. Yes, the new generation of Muslim youth have realized issues regarding Islam and have realized that Islam in NOT just a religion and there's absolutely NO term of secular ever exist in Islam... But, we have to unite and work together, and put aside our differences and open up our minds to any comment and ideas...
"Saya benar-benar kebingungan. Bagi seorang yang hidup 11 tahun di perantauan, kembali ke Malaysia di era seperti hari ini, memang membingungkan. Semasa di Ireland, saya sudah mendengar tempias American Idol yang sesekali menghiasi dada akhbar Irish Independent dan lain-lain. Talk of the town kadangkala diisi dengan isu siapakah yang sepatutnya mewakili Ireland ke acara Eurovision Contest yang sememangnya tempat pertama pertandingan itu sinonim dengan penyanyi dari Ireland zaman berzaman khususnya penyanyi seperti Johnny Logan. Namun ia hanya acara biasa. Kerja-kerja harian orang ramai berlangsung seperti biasa... tiada yang luar biasa...."
Click the link below to continue reading:
[Saifulislam.Com] under the topic of Trend Mengurangkan Rasa Berdosa (August 17 2005)
[Enigma Tanah Melayu: Trend Mengurangkan Rasa Berdosa]
"Saya benar-benar kebingungan. Bagi seorang yang hidup 11 tahun di perantauan, kembali ke Malaysia di era seperti hari ini, memang membingungkan. Semasa di Ireland, saya sudah mendengar tempias American Idol yang sesekali menghiasi dada akhbar Irish Independent dan lain-lain. Talk of the town kadangkala diisi dengan isu siapakah yang sepatutnya mewakili Ireland ke acara Eurovision Contest yang sememangnya tempat pertama pertandingan itu sinonim dengan penyanyi dari Ireland zaman berzaman khususnya penyanyi seperti Johnny Logan. Namun ia hanya acara biasa. Kerja-kerja harian orang ramai berlangsung seperti biasa... tiada yang luar biasa...."
Click the link below to continue reading:
[Saifulislam.Com] under the topic of Trend Mengurangkan Rasa Berdosa (August 17 2005)
[Enigma Tanah Melayu: Trend Mengurangkan Rasa Berdosa]
August 13, 2005
"Setiap anak yang dilahirkan adalah suci..."
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W :
"Setiap anak yang dilahirkan adalah suci iaitu dalam keadaan Islam (menyerah diri kepada Allah S.W.T). Maka kedua ibu bapanyalah yang menjadikannya Yahudi atau Nasrani atau Majusi."Hadith Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim.
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan 'Maka kedua ibu bapanyalah yang menjadikannya Yahudi atau Nasrani atau Majusi.'? Adakah ianya zahir, bermaksud murtad ke agama lain? Atau adakah ianya sebenarnya bermaksud ibu bapalah yang bertanggungjawab membentuk anak-anak mereka mempunyai sifat atau berperangai seperti Yahudi atau Nasrani atau Majusi...
Bahkan, inilah realitinya yang berlaku sekarang:
Berperangai seperti Yahudi, yakni sungguh angkuh, degil dan sentiasa berpaling pada Tuhan: lihat sajalah, daripada 25 Rasul yang wajib kita ketahui, boleh dikatakan hampir semuanya berketurunan Bani Israil... Namun, berkali-kali mereka kembali menyembah selain Allah dan berbalik kepada kekufuran dan kesyirikan... Sewaktu Musa a.s. meninggalkan mereka dalam jagaan Harun a.s., dalam waktu yang singkat, mereka terpengaruh untuk menyembah patung lembu yang diperbuat dari emas. Betapa degilnya kaum ini! Degil dan angkuh untuk menerima jalan kebenaran!
Mempunyai sifat seperti Nasrani, yakni tidak memahami agama sendiri: lihat sahajalah, berapa banyak versi kitab mereka? Ada King James Version, ada New American Standard Bible, ada New King James Version, ada English Standard Version, Contemporary English Version, Derby Translation etc. Seolah-olah kitab suci itu adalah sebuah buku yang boleh di-'edit' seiring dengan pembangunan atau penemuan baru, seperti yang berlaku pada (contoh) Gray's Anatomy, di mana antara edisi yang terbaru ialah 38th Edition. Isi-isinya boleh pula diubah suai oleh manusia, seolah-olah ianya sebuah novel. Adakah mereka yang faham agama mereka akan mengubah agama mereka hanya semata-mata untuk memenuhi nafsu dan 'keperluan' mereka? Adakah mereka faham in the first place?
Berperangai seperti Majusi: di mana kaum ini dikenali dengan penyembahan matahari. Maksudnya tidak menyembah Allah, sebaliknya menyembah ciptaan Allah... Lihat sahaja sekeliling kita, manusia lebih mengagungkan manusia lain; Bangsa ini lebih superior dari bangsa lain; Manusia ini dipandang tinggi dan disanjung semua. Pujaan manusia adalah manusia itu sendiri... bermaksud manusia memuja manusia! Bukankah itu syirik?? American Idol, Australian Idol, Malasian Idol- mereka inilah CONTOH ikutan dunia! Na'uzubillahimin zalik!
Maka, hadith ini bukanlah menujukan kepada pembentukan zahir, malah pembentukan hati, kepercayaan dan perlakuan. Atau, apakah kita akan menyalahkan ibu bapa kita kerana tidak pernah mendidik kita dengan ilmu agama yang secukupnya? Itu hanyalah alasan... kita tidak boleh kembali ke masa lampau. Maka KITALAH yang harus sedar, dan mencari ilmu untuk memperbaiki diri kita.
Allah mengurniakan kita dengan akal. Menjadi suatu kewajipan bagi mereka yang sudah baligh untuk mencari ilmu menuju kepadaNya. Bahkan, ayat pertama yang diwahyukan kepada Muhammad s.a.w. ialah 'Iqra''- BACALAH! yang menekankan kepentingan ilmu itu sendiri. Jika kita tahu kita jahil, maka CARILAH guru dan MENUNTUTlah ilmu agama!
Adakah kita mahu dicampakkan ke dalam neraka dan menunding jari ke arah orang lain atas kejahilan kita? Sedangkan Allah telah mengurniakan kita akal?
Maka, apakah gunanya akal kita?
Wallahualam bissawab
P.s- Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham Ahmad Deedat dan Allahyarhamah Zainab Al-Ghazali. 2 tokoh Islam yang amat disegani telah meninggalkan kita, kembali menemui Ilahi. Sekurang-kurangnya mereka boleh menjawab akan soalan-soalan yang berkaitan dengan dakwah dan penyebaran Islam... kita pula?
August 11, 2005
OSCE anyone?
20:30- Shu called to wish me all the best. Had the same wishes this afternoon as well.
Will I sleep well tonight?
OSCE *shuddered*- Objective Structured Clinical Examination I believe...
60 minutes with 6 stations...
6 minutes for examination, 2 minutes of presentation and 2 minutes of changing stations in each station
2 years of learning and practicing physical examinations
As well as to what advantages we take in the GP Visits done for the past 2 and a half years,
Will be tested tomorrow.
...In front of live panel of doctors who will be assessing you.
'Ya Allah, berilah kami kekuatan dan keyakinan... bantulah kami di dalam peperiksaan ini... Dan lembutkanlah hati pemeriksa-pemeriksa kami... Amin'
P.s 1- Doakan kejayaan saya...?
P.s 2- Jerebu tahap bahaya di kawasan sekitar Lembah Kelang? Hujan ais di Subang? Pernah terfikir kenapa tiba-tiba cuaca berubah menjadi pelik? Atau kita masih leka dibuai dan dihanyutkan oleh program-program realiti di 'kotak hitam'?
Will I sleep well tonight?
OSCE *shuddered*- Objective Structured Clinical Examination I believe...
60 minutes with 6 stations...
6 minutes for examination, 2 minutes of presentation and 2 minutes of changing stations in each station
2 years of learning and practicing physical examinations
As well as to what advantages we take in the GP Visits done for the past 2 and a half years,
Will be tested tomorrow.
...In front of live panel of doctors who will be assessing you.
'Ya Allah, berilah kami kekuatan dan keyakinan... bantulah kami di dalam peperiksaan ini... Dan lembutkanlah hati pemeriksa-pemeriksa kami... Amin'
P.s 1- Doakan kejayaan saya...?
P.s 2- Jerebu tahap bahaya di kawasan sekitar Lembah Kelang? Hujan ais di Subang? Pernah terfikir kenapa tiba-tiba cuaca berubah menjadi pelik? Atau kita masih leka dibuai dan dihanyutkan oleh program-program realiti di 'kotak hitam'?
August 9, 2005
Buatmu, sahabat
Andai kau lihat diri ini tersasar dari perjalanan kita,
Aku mohon kau tarik semula tangan ini,
Kembali ke jalan yang satu dan benar...
Andai kau lihat diri ini terleka dan terpegun melihat dunia,
Kejutkan aku dari mimpi-mimpi lagha,
Walaupun dikau terpaksa berkeras...
Moga Allah merahmatimu.
Nukilan Humaira; 09082005:0859
Untukmu (Durrani)
Dalam kabur ku tercari-cari cahaya
Akhirnya ku temui sinar ceria diraut wajahmu
Andainya alam ini mampu berkata-kata
Pastilah pujian buat dirimu
Di waktu itu akulah yang bertuah
Punya sahabat sepertimu
Kau bimbing lah menuju cahaya Ilahi
Aku lemah mengharungi ranjau dunia
Aku ingin seperti mu dalam ketenangan
Menghadapi hidup ini
Sahabat ku bersyukur kerna mengenali dirimu
Ku harap moga kitakan terus bersama
Hadapi segala suka duka
Moga kejayaan milik kita
Agar hidup menuju mulia
Andai kau lihat diri ini tersasar dari perjalanan kita,
Aku mohon kau tarik semula tangan ini,
Kembali ke jalan yang satu dan benar...
Andai kau lihat diri ini terleka dan terpegun melihat dunia,
Kejutkan aku dari mimpi-mimpi lagha,
Walaupun dikau terpaksa berkeras...
Moga Allah merahmatimu.
Nukilan Humaira; 09082005:0859
Untukmu (Durrani)
Dalam kabur ku tercari-cari cahaya
Akhirnya ku temui sinar ceria diraut wajahmu
Andainya alam ini mampu berkata-kata
Pastilah pujian buat dirimu
Di waktu itu akulah yang bertuah
Punya sahabat sepertimu
Kau bimbing lah menuju cahaya Ilahi
Aku lemah mengharungi ranjau dunia
Aku ingin seperti mu dalam ketenangan
Menghadapi hidup ini
Sahabat ku bersyukur kerna mengenali dirimu
Ku harap moga kitakan terus bersama
Hadapi segala suka duka
Moga kejayaan milik kita
Agar hidup menuju mulia
August 7, 2005
Japan Trip [2]
As promised, after the modem comes in, I'll put up second installment of the trip journal! So here it goes:
Monday, June 27th:
There was a clash of interest for today's agenda. Farah and Zirah wanted to go to Kamakura to see old Japan sites and shrines-a sight-seeing plan- just as how Kakak planned for us. The all day pass costs 1470 Yen (1000 Yen=~RM 36). Ummi on the other hand was more interested to go around Tokyo and find places to shop- including going to Odaiba and see lush exclusive shopping place for the upper class- Ginza.
I was thorn, because I wanted so much to see old Japan- that's what attracted me to Japan- the culture and remains; but at the same time, I wanted to see the city itself, especially after Linda said she could show where to buy omyagek or souvenirs of Naruto (an anime for those of you who don’t know). That's another reason to step onto Tokyo I guess.
After calculating our budget and time, we all agreed to stay in the city. In the end, Linda took us to Akihabara when we met her in Shinjuku Station. Akihabara is known as the 'Electronic City' for it's a heaven for those who love technologies. From mp3 to iPod to laptops to cameras and electrical gadgets- ALL are cheap compared to other places! The only downside is Japan's voltage is different from Malaysia's so you’ll have to change the adapter.
So put Akihabara in your list of recommended places to go in Tokyo.
This is also the place of anime lovers. Zirah and I unconsciously spent almost 2 hours in Animate to hunt for what Naruto souvenirs to bring back for our brothers (and ourselves of course :p)!! And those 2 hours was only for Naruto. Luckily I made my mind up that we're only hunting for Naruto stuff- not others as well. Zirah got to snap a keychain of Sanzo from Saiyuki at the last minute though :D
Also bought a beautiful 3D picture of Kinkakujimaiko Castle- a castle made of gold in Kyoto for dad. Ummi and Farah bought samurai sword miniature for their dad as well. And I found myself a cheap yukata.
During late lunch in Kaiten Sushi (sounds familiar Perth-ian??) where Linda conversed fluently with the 'chef' (if you could call the person who made the shushi and other food a chef), Zie joined us after she finished her class. From then on, we separated: Farah and Zirah went straight back home and dropped by Coop (a mini shopping mart) to buy some food, Zie and Ummi to Shin Okubo to buy halal chicken for dinner and I followed Linda to Ikebukuro to where she works part time as a Malay language teacher to locals here who want to learn.
I was amused by the interest and hard work the Japanese put in learning other languages. It was such a joy to see other people show interest to learn about MY mother tongue!
<-Akihabara <- Ikebukuro
Dinner was filled with Zie, Linda and Kakak's experiences in Japan. We agreed upon a couple of things- Japanese are so polite and helpful that they'll go to great length to help you, even if you don't understand what they're saying. Our experience with a few occasions confirmed that. One bus driver even asked the other passengers if they know where Jufukuji-Mae (our stop near Kakak's house) is. Another even make sure Farah bought the right ticket to Shinjuku from Shibuya Station.
Click here for more pictures
Tuesday, June 28th:
No matter how late we slept, we had to get up early today to maximize our time in Disneyland. From Naka-Meguro Station, we took the Hibiya Sen to Hatchobori, passing Ebisu, Hiro-o, Roponggi and others including Ginza. From there, we change to JR Keiyo Sen to Maihama- a stop right at Disneyland.
If you prefer more adventurous, adult and nerve wrecking rides, go to Disney Sea, next to Disneyland. It's mostly water-based theme parks but most certainly for those who love more challenging rides. The ticket is the same I think- 5500 Yen. (1000 Yen=~RM 36)
The first thing Kakak brought us to do was to pick a lucky draw for the Disney's 'Rock around the Mouse' show that'll be put on at different times. We picked the 11 a.m. show and got the place in the Central Viewing Area. Even so, it was actually a bit farther at the back. Want an advice? Lesson #3: Try to pick a show that won't make you baked under the intense noon sun.
Tokyo Disneyland has 7 main theme parks. We started with Space Mountain in Tomorrowland. When we're done, we're like 'that's it?' I guess we anticipated too much. 'Disney Sea- next time we come, we’ll go to Disney Sea!' Ummi and I agreed. Done with Tomorrowland, we ventured into Adventureland for rides such as the Pirates of Carribean, Jungle Cruise, Western River Railroad and Swiss Family Treehouse. By this time, it was 3 o’clock and I missed my Disney’s Dream on Parade!
We agreed that Westernland’s Big Thunder Mountain and Fantasyland’s Haunted Mansion would be our last rides before heading out for lunch. On our way our, crossing pass the Castle Forecourt Stage and Parade Route in World Bazaar, we stopped to watch the 5 p.m. 'Rock around the Mouse' show- this time from the side- so that we could catch Mickey and friends upclose.
After lunch, we went straight to Fantasyland and try to finish whatever rides we could before the start of Electrical Parade Dreamlights at 7.30 p.m. It was so beautiful and the music made you in the mood. After what we thought the past parade car- Antz, we made a dash to Pooh's Hunny House because before the parade started, the waiting period for that ride was 60 minutes when it was only around 10-20 minutes for other rides. Kakak said this was a new ride. She didn't recall it from her last visit. While we were lining up, suddenly the music started again and there were another row of cheerful parade cars! And hence we missed Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and a few others…
Our last ride was the House of Mickey, which we went in after the hanabi or firework- Disney Magic in the Sky. Kakak said summer's hanabi in Tokyo's night sky are more spectacular. That's the main event for Japanese summer. Unfortunately for us, the hanabi starts on July 1st- the day after we went back home!
When the clock showed 9.15 p.m., Kakak said we really need to leave or we'll be stuck in the traffic of the trains. My last shot was Cinderella's castle at night.
Don't scream at me, but we missed the Splash Mountain in Critter Country theme park and ToonTown… My advice again? Lesson #4: Mark what rides you really want in each theme park, and allocate strict length of period on each theme park so you won't waste time. Leave all the souvenirs shopping for the last if you can help it- after all, you go into Disneyland to enjoy the rides, not to shop for Disney merchandises right?
Oh, and Fantasyland IS a must, and so do Big Thunder Mountain, Star Tour, Space Mountain, MicroAdvanture and Splash Mountain (I reckon).
Click here for more pictures
Wednesday, June 29th:
Second last day. Woke up late, started late. The last day to do last minute shopping. The day we agreed to come back to Musashi Koyama. We also planned to see the Meiji Jingu Shrine in Harajuku.
Dropped by Takeshita Dori, a street with loads of shops, include those that sell weird gothic clothings. This is the place to see people with different and weird style of clothing as well as a lot of foreigners, especially the Westerners. However, the things sold are quite expensive- so we decided to go back to Musashi Koyama as soon as possible. While Ummi and I went into 3 storey building 100 yen shop, Farah and Zirah walked towards the end of Takeshita Dori to see what else were there.
And guess what 'else' were there? They bumped into Howie D and AJ of BSB and took a snap with them! Oh yeah, the BackStreetBoys were in Tokyo at the time we were there, if I forgot to mention it to you.
Back in Musashi Koyama, we split up where I spent another 1000 yen for souvenirs to bring back, and bought a real obi (the sash you see on Japanese's yukata). Due to time constrain and lethargy, I couldn't meet Linda as planned- looks like I missed to see her university.
On the way home, we dropped by Coop to buy the yummy custard pudding to be brought back. Farah brought her banana milk and 'kocha kaden' that she's so attached to.
That night we packed our stuff- after watching Naruto 'live' on TVTokyo.
Click here for more pictures.
Thursday, June 30th:
The taxi came at 6.15 a.m. And we woke up at 5.45 a.m.! Imagine that. But we did make it for the shuttle to Narita airport that depart Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel at 6.50 a.m. We even took picture with the hotel workers!
Farah and I agreed that we missed Tokyo already and wished that we should be there longer.
At the airport, again we asked for window seats, front and back. This time, I sat next to Farah. Surprise, surprise… We came with 64 kg; we went back with ALSO 64 kg! One bag that was specially filled with the food Kakak asked from Malaysia was filled with souvenirs from Kakak to her family and ours to our families.
After quick coffee in Starbucks- Kakak's treat again- we went in and shop for what I call 'kuih Jepun' to be brought back, and also one box for our grandmamma. Being a Malaysian Embassy officer and holding the diplomat pass, Kakak sent us till we boarded our plane. She passed me 4 small omyagek, "Pass these to Mak Ngah" I nodded as I realized these were her last minute presents to her family.
One week passed by so fast. I know I fell in love with Tokyo and would surely one day come back here again. Maybe next time I'd be able to go to Hakone where you can see Mount Fuji from very near, Kamakura the old Japan site, Odaiba, Tokyo Dome City and Tamachi (where Linda wanted me to stop to bring me to the uni she’s studying at).
While getting comfortable in my seat, a stewardess suddenly came and passed me a note.
It was from Kakak:
There and then, I felt like crying ~touched~. The 4 souvenirs she passed to me were for us 4!!
Somehow, in the plane, I was more inclined to watch International movies- Asian- rather than Hollywood's product. Among 'A Moment to Remember' (Korean), 'Tony Takitani' (Japanese) and 'Daddy Long Legs' (Korean), A Moment to Remember was my favourite- even Farah watched it and we couldn’t stop talking about how sad the story was whenever we mentioned it.
In the Limo from KLIA to Ampang, we opened the giveaway presents Kakak gave- small compact mirrors with Japanese pattern on the covering.
As I recalled on the one week trip to Tokyo, I come to learn the refreshing different culture and attitudes of Japanese. They are the people who never got tired of talking I presumed, seeing on how when we were on the bus, everytime the bus stop or start moving, the driver advised the passengers on what was going on and asked them to be careful.
Interestingly, in shopping mart, the cashier will announced every item we bought, how much we pay and how much the balance is. Much like Islamic muammalat if you ask me.
Even the polite way of speaking, with soft tone and not shouting is what Islam encourages us to do, ne?
Learn. When you travel, look around you, observe and learn. Take what's best, leave what's not.
It was a week I wouldn’t forget in my life.
Monday, June 27th:
There was a clash of interest for today's agenda. Farah and Zirah wanted to go to Kamakura to see old Japan sites and shrines-a sight-seeing plan- just as how Kakak planned for us. The all day pass costs 1470 Yen (1000 Yen=~RM 36). Ummi on the other hand was more interested to go around Tokyo and find places to shop- including going to Odaiba and see lush exclusive shopping place for the upper class- Ginza.
I was thorn, because I wanted so much to see old Japan- that's what attracted me to Japan- the culture and remains; but at the same time, I wanted to see the city itself, especially after Linda said she could show where to buy omyagek or souvenirs of Naruto (an anime for those of you who don’t know). That's another reason to step onto Tokyo I guess.
After calculating our budget and time, we all agreed to stay in the city. In the end, Linda took us to Akihabara when we met her in Shinjuku Station. Akihabara is known as the 'Electronic City' for it's a heaven for those who love technologies. From mp3 to iPod to laptops to cameras and electrical gadgets- ALL are cheap compared to other places! The only downside is Japan's voltage is different from Malaysia's so you’ll have to change the adapter.
So put Akihabara in your list of recommended places to go in Tokyo.
This is also the place of anime lovers. Zirah and I unconsciously spent almost 2 hours in Animate to hunt for what Naruto souvenirs to bring back for our brothers (and ourselves of course :p)!! And those 2 hours was only for Naruto. Luckily I made my mind up that we're only hunting for Naruto stuff- not others as well. Zirah got to snap a keychain of Sanzo from Saiyuki at the last minute though :D
Also bought a beautiful 3D picture of Kinkakujimaiko Castle- a castle made of gold in Kyoto for dad. Ummi and Farah bought samurai sword miniature for their dad as well. And I found myself a cheap yukata.
During late lunch in Kaiten Sushi (sounds familiar Perth-ian??) where Linda conversed fluently with the 'chef' (if you could call the person who made the shushi and other food a chef), Zie joined us after she finished her class. From then on, we separated: Farah and Zirah went straight back home and dropped by Coop (a mini shopping mart) to buy some food, Zie and Ummi to Shin Okubo to buy halal chicken for dinner and I followed Linda to Ikebukuro to where she works part time as a Malay language teacher to locals here who want to learn.
I was amused by the interest and hard work the Japanese put in learning other languages. It was such a joy to see other people show interest to learn about MY mother tongue!
<-Akihabara <- Ikebukuro
Dinner was filled with Zie, Linda and Kakak's experiences in Japan. We agreed upon a couple of things- Japanese are so polite and helpful that they'll go to great length to help you, even if you don't understand what they're saying. Our experience with a few occasions confirmed that. One bus driver even asked the other passengers if they know where Jufukuji-Mae (our stop near Kakak's house) is. Another even make sure Farah bought the right ticket to Shinjuku from Shibuya Station.
Click here for more pictures
Tuesday, June 28th:
No matter how late we slept, we had to get up early today to maximize our time in Disneyland. From Naka-Meguro Station, we took the Hibiya Sen to Hatchobori, passing Ebisu, Hiro-o, Roponggi and others including Ginza. From there, we change to JR Keiyo Sen to Maihama- a stop right at Disneyland.
If you prefer more adventurous, adult and nerve wrecking rides, go to Disney Sea, next to Disneyland. It's mostly water-based theme parks but most certainly for those who love more challenging rides. The ticket is the same I think- 5500 Yen. (1000 Yen=~RM 36)
The first thing Kakak brought us to do was to pick a lucky draw for the Disney's 'Rock around the Mouse' show that'll be put on at different times. We picked the 11 a.m. show and got the place in the Central Viewing Area. Even so, it was actually a bit farther at the back. Want an advice? Lesson #3: Try to pick a show that won't make you baked under the intense noon sun.
Tokyo Disneyland has 7 main theme parks. We started with Space Mountain in Tomorrowland. When we're done, we're like 'that's it?' I guess we anticipated too much. 'Disney Sea- next time we come, we’ll go to Disney Sea!' Ummi and I agreed. Done with Tomorrowland, we ventured into Adventureland for rides such as the Pirates of Carribean, Jungle Cruise, Western River Railroad and Swiss Family Treehouse. By this time, it was 3 o’clock and I missed my Disney’s Dream on Parade!
We agreed that Westernland’s Big Thunder Mountain and Fantasyland’s Haunted Mansion would be our last rides before heading out for lunch. On our way our, crossing pass the Castle Forecourt Stage and Parade Route in World Bazaar, we stopped to watch the 5 p.m. 'Rock around the Mouse' show- this time from the side- so that we could catch Mickey and friends upclose.
After lunch, we went straight to Fantasyland and try to finish whatever rides we could before the start of Electrical Parade Dreamlights at 7.30 p.m. It was so beautiful and the music made you in the mood. After what we thought the past parade car- Antz, we made a dash to Pooh's Hunny House because before the parade started, the waiting period for that ride was 60 minutes when it was only around 10-20 minutes for other rides. Kakak said this was a new ride. She didn't recall it from her last visit. While we were lining up, suddenly the music started again and there were another row of cheerful parade cars! And hence we missed Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and a few others…
Our last ride was the House of Mickey, which we went in after the hanabi or firework- Disney Magic in the Sky. Kakak said summer's hanabi in Tokyo's night sky are more spectacular. That's the main event for Japanese summer. Unfortunately for us, the hanabi starts on July 1st- the day after we went back home!
When the clock showed 9.15 p.m., Kakak said we really need to leave or we'll be stuck in the traffic of the trains. My last shot was Cinderella's castle at night.
Don't scream at me, but we missed the Splash Mountain in Critter Country theme park and ToonTown… My advice again? Lesson #4: Mark what rides you really want in each theme park, and allocate strict length of period on each theme park so you won't waste time. Leave all the souvenirs shopping for the last if you can help it- after all, you go into Disneyland to enjoy the rides, not to shop for Disney merchandises right?
Oh, and Fantasyland IS a must, and so do Big Thunder Mountain, Star Tour, Space Mountain, MicroAdvanture and Splash Mountain (I reckon).
Click here for more pictures
Wednesday, June 29th:
Second last day. Woke up late, started late. The last day to do last minute shopping. The day we agreed to come back to Musashi Koyama. We also planned to see the Meiji Jingu Shrine in Harajuku.
Dropped by Takeshita Dori, a street with loads of shops, include those that sell weird gothic clothings. This is the place to see people with different and weird style of clothing as well as a lot of foreigners, especially the Westerners. However, the things sold are quite expensive- so we decided to go back to Musashi Koyama as soon as possible. While Ummi and I went into 3 storey building 100 yen shop, Farah and Zirah walked towards the end of Takeshita Dori to see what else were there.
And guess what 'else' were there? They bumped into Howie D and AJ of BSB and took a snap with them! Oh yeah, the BackStreetBoys were in Tokyo at the time we were there, if I forgot to mention it to you.
Back in Musashi Koyama, we split up where I spent another 1000 yen for souvenirs to bring back, and bought a real obi (the sash you see on Japanese's yukata). Due to time constrain and lethargy, I couldn't meet Linda as planned- looks like I missed to see her university.
On the way home, we dropped by Coop to buy the yummy custard pudding to be brought back. Farah brought her banana milk and 'kocha kaden' that she's so attached to.
That night we packed our stuff- after watching Naruto 'live' on TVTokyo.
Click here for more pictures.
Thursday, June 30th:
The taxi came at 6.15 a.m. And we woke up at 5.45 a.m.! Imagine that. But we did make it for the shuttle to Narita airport that depart Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel at 6.50 a.m. We even took picture with the hotel workers!
Farah and I agreed that we missed Tokyo already and wished that we should be there longer.
At the airport, again we asked for window seats, front and back. This time, I sat next to Farah. Surprise, surprise… We came with 64 kg; we went back with ALSO 64 kg! One bag that was specially filled with the food Kakak asked from Malaysia was filled with souvenirs from Kakak to her family and ours to our families.
After quick coffee in Starbucks- Kakak's treat again- we went in and shop for what I call 'kuih Jepun' to be brought back, and also one box for our grandmamma. Being a Malaysian Embassy officer and holding the diplomat pass, Kakak sent us till we boarded our plane. She passed me 4 small omyagek, "Pass these to Mak Ngah" I nodded as I realized these were her last minute presents to her family.
One week passed by so fast. I know I fell in love with Tokyo and would surely one day come back here again. Maybe next time I'd be able to go to Hakone where you can see Mount Fuji from very near, Kamakura the old Japan site, Odaiba, Tokyo Dome City and Tamachi (where Linda wanted me to stop to bring me to the uni she’s studying at).
While getting comfortable in my seat, a stewardess suddenly came and passed me a note.
It was from Kakak:
There and then, I felt like crying ~touched~. The 4 souvenirs she passed to me were for us 4!!
Somehow, in the plane, I was more inclined to watch International movies- Asian- rather than Hollywood's product. Among 'A Moment to Remember' (Korean), 'Tony Takitani' (Japanese) and 'Daddy Long Legs' (Korean), A Moment to Remember was my favourite- even Farah watched it and we couldn’t stop talking about how sad the story was whenever we mentioned it.
In the Limo from KLIA to Ampang, we opened the giveaway presents Kakak gave- small compact mirrors with Japanese pattern on the covering.
As I recalled on the one week trip to Tokyo, I come to learn the refreshing different culture and attitudes of Japanese. They are the people who never got tired of talking I presumed, seeing on how when we were on the bus, everytime the bus stop or start moving, the driver advised the passengers on what was going on and asked them to be careful.
Interestingly, in shopping mart, the cashier will announced every item we bought, how much we pay and how much the balance is. Much like Islamic muammalat if you ask me.
Even the polite way of speaking, with soft tone and not shouting is what Islam encourages us to do, ne?
Learn. When you travel, look around you, observe and learn. Take what's best, leave what's not.
It was a week I wouldn’t forget in my life.
August 4, 2005
Quick Announcement!
Modem still not in... and am busy with preparation for OSCE next Friday... Pray for my success, yeah? *wink*
Anyway, I just have one quick announcement:
Email from ISS (International Student Service)
Dear all,
Every year, the International Student Services (ISS) holds a week-longevent called the Multicultural Week (MCW) in order to promote multiculturalism in UWA. As usual, the highlight of the week will be the Spring Feast, which will be held on the 6th of October 2005.
For those who are new, or have actually been missing out on this for the past few years (How could you!!), the Spring Feast is basically an event where students and business owners set up their own food/game stalls in a nightmarket held at the UWA guild area.
There will also be multicultural performances shown on the night of the event. So imagine, a large varietyof good multicultural food for sale, and FREE entertainment as well. What else can you ask for??
However, for this event to be a success, we require YOUR participation as vendors during the event. The registration for setting up a stall during Spring Feast is now open! So, if you've got a secret recipe from your mother, father, grandmother, etc, or if you just want to make somemoney while having plenty of fun, SET UP A STALL!!
This year, there will be a refundable $40 deposit required, and a $10 registration fee for the stall.Note that registration will be CLOSED on the 26th of August, 2005. Ifyou're interested in registering for the event, or would just like to know more about it, feel free to drop by our information booth at the guild village on Monday-Fridays, 12-2 pm.
Alternatively, you can email us at lawz01@student.uwa.edu.au (Law), eric_0111@hotmail.com (Eric) orbeingping@yahoo.com.au (Ping Ping), or simply check out our website at www.iss.gu.uwa.edu.au
Hope to see you guys soon..
MCW Logistic Team
Wani: Quickest way I could think of spreading the words
Anyway, I just have one quick announcement:
Email from ISS (International Student Service)
Dear all,
Every year, the International Student Services (ISS) holds a week-longevent called the Multicultural Week (MCW) in order to promote multiculturalism in UWA. As usual, the highlight of the week will be the Spring Feast, which will be held on the 6th of October 2005.
For those who are new, or have actually been missing out on this for the past few years (How could you!!), the Spring Feast is basically an event where students and business owners set up their own food/game stalls in a nightmarket held at the UWA guild area.
There will also be multicultural performances shown on the night of the event. So imagine, a large varietyof good multicultural food for sale, and FREE entertainment as well. What else can you ask for??
However, for this event to be a success, we require YOUR participation as vendors during the event. The registration for setting up a stall during Spring Feast is now open! So, if you've got a secret recipe from your mother, father, grandmother, etc, or if you just want to make somemoney while having plenty of fun, SET UP A STALL!!
This year, there will be a refundable $40 deposit required, and a $10 registration fee for the stall.Note that registration will be CLOSED on the 26th of August, 2005. Ifyou're interested in registering for the event, or would just like to know more about it, feel free to drop by our information booth at the guild village on Monday-Fridays, 12-2 pm.
Alternatively, you can email us at lawz01@student.uwa.edu.au (Law), eric_0111@hotmail.com (Eric) orbeingping@yahoo.com.au (Ping Ping), or simply check out our website at www.iss.gu.uwa.edu.au
Hope to see you guys soon..
MCW Logistic Team
Wani: Quickest way I could think of spreading the words
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