I remember two years ago when I spent some nights at one of my friend's place, her father said to me, "Look at Islam and its people as a whole. Look at our similarities, and not difference, not if we are sunni or shiite, but as Muslim, who follow Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. As how we welcome you at our home, that's how you should welcome us at your house..."
Yes, they are shiite.
The world is aware of the endless attacks the Israelis doing on Lebanon. Yet, in the world of muslims, trivial issues of Hizbullah is shiite arose. I frowned to read some of the comments on the net. Why are we diverting from the real issue here? How can you still argue who's right and not when our brothers and sisters are being killed mercilessly there??!
Adakah hanya semata-mata anda Sunni, anda sudah dijanjikan syurga?
"Perlawanan bersenjata dalam kondisi seperti ini adalah amal paling utama dalam umat ini. Baik di Palestina maupun di Libanon. Tidak masalah jika perlawanan di Libanon dilakukan oleh kelompok Syiah. Karena mereka bagaimanapun adalah bagian dari umat Islam. Karena mereka termasuk ahli Laa ilaaha illallah, dan dalam banyak hal prinsip mereka satu pandangan dengan kita. Meskipun ada beberapa perbedaan dalam hal cabang." Dr. Yusuf Qardhawi: Wajib Hukumnya Dukung Hizbullah Lawan Zionis
"Now we hear a controversy about the Shiites and Sunnis; "Hezbollah is Shiite and should not be backed!" This is just a trial to justify the atrocities of the Zionists... Is Hezbollah not Muslims? Isn't it an Arab? Doesn't it resist the occupiers? Their battle is ours to free and restore the Muslim and Arab lands and prisoners." IM: The MB's attitude towards resistance
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