Surgery's over.
Now we're having a week's break before the 3rd posting begins. For me it'll be Paediatric.
Surgery's tiring. Really it was. Well, for me anyway. But I think I learned a lot from it- from the simple, trivial (or so we thought) stuff, to the complicated things.
At times, during rounds, I felt that I could do the housemen's job... we even compared notes during one of the night rounds and those kind of feelings left deep impression in me. Surgery taught me to be sensitive and observant. It reminded me that basic anatomy, physiology and pathology are important and I kept on wondering how I could convey this message to the juniors?
Weekends during Surgery were full with extra-curricular activities believe it or not- Sports Carnival (a supporter only this year though), Sunathon, HIP, Mercy's disaster simulation for World Food Programme...
My cousin's wedding marked the end of Surgery posting (with small morning tea that our group did for the surgery team and staff that morning) and now I can breath a relief sigh and let loose a bit this week.
I want the spirit of study smart, working hard and being proactive, aggressive (not aggressive as in aggressive in behaviour but in searching knowledge and improve skills) and motivated to stay with me until I achieve all my goals. This is my pledge at the moment.
We still have no internet connection at home. And that hinders me from jotting down my thoughts for surgery but I think everything's summarised up there.
The coming posting will totally be different... How different will it be? That's one thing that we have to wait and see but from other's experiences, it'll be a whole new adventure for us. I am currently preparing myself... mentally at that.
Hopefully it will go smoothly :)
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