I liked the background, how it turned that way after a colleague suggested to change the setting, so i snapped this (above) and this (below):
and I'm still not too happy with it =( I wanted to experiment more but I planned to take pictures of the rest of the group there too so I delayed it (the experiment). Unfortunately, it rained soon after. That was the only free early evening that we had in that one week, sadly.
Don't you just love the coulourful pens? It's my laptop's wallpaper at the moment =P
Just because.
This week is Week 8 of Psychiatry. I liked this posting, had lots of interesting encounters and it did change some of my misconceptions (even though I did Psychiatry in Perth already). And 2009 is almost at the end as well. Interestingly, I met lots of lovely new people, traveled TWICE to Cameron Highland, had a blast in food-hunting (I fear that it will not stop even though Psychiatry is finishing soon) and attended International Humanitarian Conference at PWTC last weekend.
My cousin gave birth 2 days ago, I have a couple of wedding invitation before this year ends AND there's still Le Tour de Kedah that I want to join.
And something to look forward to this weekend! Something similar to this:
I haven't met the girls for a while now, I hope it would be fun meeting them again ^^
P/s- I've learned one definition of 'sleeping early' yesterday- yes, indeed, 1 a.m. is early.
Please note the sarcastic remarks in there
I promised I'd post something about food shukudai here, right? >.< will do that this weekend, I hope.
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