Kalau online YM or MSN around this time,mesti nampak a lot of side messeges about exam- ada yang wish good luck, ada yang reminded on exam is nearer and not forgetting those who are anxious for the upcoming papers.
The same goes for some bloggers.
One that attracted my attention was anxiousness, fearfulness, 'cuak'ness, nervousness and all those along that line… True, as we come near to the dreadful dates, we realized that we haven’t study enough and we need more time to prepare.
Then I came across these ayahs in the Quran:
"Telah dekat kepada manusia hari menghisab segala amalan mereka, sedang mereka berada dalam kelalaian lagi berpaling (daripadanya).
Tidak datang kepada mereka satu ayat Al-Quran pun yang baru (diturunkan) dari Tuhan mereka, melainkan mereka mendengarnya, sedang mereka bermain-main
(lagi) hati mereka dalam keadaan lalai." [Al-Anbiyaa’ (21): 1-3]
We can feel the fear as exam is nearer and we study even harder, burning the midnight oil and having loads of coffee to stay up. At this time, our ability to do the best is seen.
But then, when I came across those ayahs, suddenly I was asking myself: I'm so anxious of the coming papers, but have I no fear to the coming days that Allah has promised?
How come we do NOT have the same fear?
Sedangkan, hari yang dijanjikan itu semakin hampir. Malahan kita tak pernah tahu bila exactly hari itu akan tiba. Bukankah kita sepatutnya bekerja lebih keras untuk menghadapi Hari Kiamat sebab kita tak tahu bila ianya akan datang?
I mean, it can come in a few more moments; it can come tomorrow, or next year. But the point is, we have absolutely NO idea when it will come, thus we have to prepare ourselves ALL the time… right?
Bayangkan, hari ni kita ada lecture pukul dua, lepas common lunch hour. Tiba-tiba dalam kelas, lecturer kita dengan riangnya meng-announce 'We have a test today!' Siapa tak cuak? I mean if only the lecturer told us even BEFORE the lunch hour started, AT LEAST we have one hour to prepare, right? But no, we were relaxing, munching our lunch while chatted happily with our friends.
And that looked EXACTLY the same as how surah Al-Anbiyaa’ (1-3) described us…
If the above situation happens to us, we’ll feel angry towards our lecturer, right? Now, should the lecturer told us even about a few hours earlier, or the day earlier, we could prepare ourselves right?
The thing is, Allah has reminded us in the Quran that we're nearing As-Saah (Kiamat)- yet, why are we being ignorant?
Are we not afraid just as how we’re on exam papers?
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