November 9, 2005

In the middle of Exam

Woke up this morning and saw a msg in my mobile: 'A'kum. Cis keluar juga foto raya kau. Aku hantar punya la lama, tak keluar juga'. An eyebrow raised. That was new...

So, with a quick search (while printing the past year questions), I found this:

(In Salam Perantauan Utusan)

Click on the picture, or go to : Utusan: Salam Perantauan

And while you are at that, maybe you can visit this as well: Walimah Kami (no, NOT me la!)

For the first time, we have our own open house for raya, courtesy of Alia, Shila, Wina n Yuhana, who initiated it. Since we had Eid on Friday, it was done on Thursday night (because the Commerce students had exam on Saturday).
On Saturday evening, Dini invited to hers. Then we head to Ihsan's place.

All pictures will be put up after exam. In the meanwhile, just enjoy the snippets of it on the banner above.

By the way, to the one who sent the Shearing Shed's picture for Salam Perantauan, Thanks a LOT! Didn't know you sent that picture. Oh, and just to let you know, some of the names are spelt wrongly For instance, my dad's name has double F.

Oh, and I'm going back on 19 Nov. instead of 20th, insyaAllah; with Yuyu and Yan *YaY*

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