January 21, 2008

Memory bites

They came home in December, yet we couldn't find a common date when all of us could sit down and chat all day long. Just for around half an hour in the morning with Yan and then about 45 minutes in the evening with Fhad; both in two different places- a bus station and an airport, yet those less than an hour meeting were ones I would really remember want to cherish for the rest of the year, until the time we can meet face to face again.

There were so many things to talk about, yet so little time. Believe it or not, it's been a year since I last stepped my feet in Perth. Things moved on and changed- and so am I; yet the friendship and trust we have in each other are still the same.

Let's pray it stays like that for the rest of our lives, insyaAllah...

Guys, I'll still be here when the time comes for you guys to come home, yeah?

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