February 6, 2013

Often time...


Just got off-tagged today, so I thought I'd share some thought that came across my mind a few days ago.

Often times, for us who work in this field, when patients come with late presentation and poor prognosis, worse if they defaulted treatment or relatives placed high 'demands' while we are in rushed or have more urging matter to attend to, we'll get irritated and angry easily.

Often times, when this happen we will start to place the blame on something or someone else.

Especially if it happens in the middle of the night when we wish we can just sit for a few minutes and fill our empty stomach and close our eyes for a little after working and rushing the whole day.

I am still new in this field; still making that baby-steps yet only God knows how often these thoughts came into my mind.

Oh, how much guilt now do I have?

Because to be honest, in the end, Who send these patients into our paths?
So in the end, if you become angry despite being tired, hungry and sleepy, to whom actually are you directing your anger at?

Just some points to ponder.


  1. wanzhaf5:28 PM

    You are not human if you dont grumble.... kekekkeek. Tapi yang penting kesedaran yang datang membolehkan kita berfikir sejenak, dan beristighfar... dan membetulkan niat dan kesilapan. Lebih baik gitu, kan..

  2. Bila sedar, kerja lebih ikhlas =) Kalau tak, kerja rasa terpaksa, tak berkat la...
