July 28, 2010

Coffee Challange

It started on Sunday. Somehow, coffee made me sick.
Tried again the next day, the same result. Sad time.

I had coffee challange today- just to test again.

Guess what? Coffee still makes me sick D=

This, I would never have expected, being a self-proclaimed coffee addict. Shall I turn to tea for a bit from now on? I guess so

p.s- I officially have no weekends this week =/
pp.s- Countdown: 7 more days till the release!
ppp.s- Emergency Medicine ♥

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Sick? As in, gagging? I get that half the time. Same thing with teh tarik/milk tea. Maybe it's the milk?

    Tea, eh? Lavender, perhaps? XD

    Yesh, I is stalking your blog, KN! <333

    p.s: This week's almost over. Ganbare!
    p.p.s: What release?
    p.p.p.s: Aren't you glad you didn't quit? ^^;
    p.p.p.p.s (and this is the last one): When are we going shoe-hunting? :3
