October 19, 2004

Whale Watching!

Whale is just a simply amazing animal. Actually, now in my head I'm thinking of a shark, due to the documentary Alia and I watched the other night *lol* Anyway, on the first day of fasting, I followed Nura, Lian, Mandy and Cheya (not too sure how to spell her name, sorry) to Frementle's Oceanic Cruise to take a look at one of the most wonderful creation on Earth. Unfortunately, no pictures available due to their quick actions of resurfacing and diving again... though I cought one video which last for about what...15 seconds? Something like that.
Although the whales didn't resurfaced much, nor did they jumped around and splashing the water, it was quite a sightful experience... Once they came a bit close... like 5 meters away, and it was just spectacular! Subhanallah... mammals of the sea are just amazing!

Cheya and Lian

Nura and Mandy

Mandy, Me, Cheya and Lian

Tarawikh is done in UWA Musalla every night... Ahh.. what blissful nights those are... You'll never find more peaceful nights I think. It's one of those moments to catch up with friends that you haven't seen in ages too I might say!

At times like this, I sort of miss home... huhuhu... home cooking food for sahur and berbuka... nevermind, Maria's gonna cook for us :p And I should go back continuing my studies now...


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