The tittle sounds nice in my head... It's a tittle of a fanfiction I read this morning :p
Anyway, haven't been around much lately, though you can say I've been on the net world everyday. However, the time to be spent on the net lately is not as long as I would have been doing back in Currie. A duty as a daughter, a sister and a student still require much of my time. For now that is.
And again, this weblog will be on rest for a while. Most probably until I'm back from an obligation in mid-January next year. Probably after Eid-Ad'ha. Such matter is confidential :p
Anyway, look around us. A tsunami that has never reached our coast suddenly occured and even went as far as Somalia. News everynight brought us latest updates on the rescue attempts done in various regions. Other people might look at it as nature's disaster, but for us Muslims, look at it as a different way. Isn't the disaster happened almost similar as the flood that hit the world during the Prophet Nuh's time?
There are a lot of verses saying about the things Allah sent down to the past people because of their ignorance. Let us not be among those whom Allah sent disasters too.
'Sesungguhnya Allah tidak berbuat zalim kepada manusia sedikitpun, akan tetapi manusia itulah yang berbuat zalim kepada diri mereka sendiri' Surah Yunus (10) ayat 44.
'Sesungguhnya perintahNya apabila Dia menghendaki sesuatu hanyalah berkata kepadanya: "Jadilah!" Maka terjadilah ia' Surah Yaasin (36) ayat 82.
Ini baru sedikit yang Allah timpakan, tapi cukup untuk menjadikan hidup manusia huru hara. Tatkala ini barulah kita mengakui kebesaranNya, dan betapa kecilnya kita...
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