It's been days since you last showed yourself
And now that you are here again, let us have a bit of your warmth for a while
...For my mom hates using dryer to dry up the clothes :p
On behalf of my sis, Angah Za's request straight from Lancaster, UK (who called here a few times already, thanks, Za! ", ) I've uploaded Raya pictures, tho' they are not as interesting as other people's...
Note that pictures in M'sia are pictures of me and my family with my cousins and nephews only... And guess what, thanks to my dear cousin, my nephew Fikri called me 'Nenek'! I'm NOT that old!
Click on Pictures of Memories at the navigation bar and then click on 'Raya (Perth + M'sia)' or just simply click here to view the pictures.
//2 nights before I went home, drank teh tarik at Makan Makan Cafe... The other day I dreamt I brought my mom there to eat :p
My neighbour's away somewhere so they left us with their golden hamsters to be taken care of. Huhu... Love to see the two creatures played and nibbling the kuaci!
//Kawai, ne? ^^
Oh, and not to forget, HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY ! to Farah Shuhana in Gambang at the mo' and Farid in Perth! May Allah bless you!
p/s- FAQ page I said to be put up has to be delayed, sadly... :(
Wah.. The hamsters sangat comel!