April 7, 2005

Waking thoughts in the morning...

It's interesting to suddenly realize in a class that 'that is exactly what Islam has said!' or just reasoning with myself what would Islam point of view be in a topic- and in the end you'll find them as preventative measures and some facts of life, suitable with the nature of human's mind and emotion. And every Monday, during some part in Psychology of Healing I amused myself with the logic that westerners try to come up with and compare it with the sunnatullah of human creation.

Subhanallah, Islam has thought us this and that. Being an-naas we are, only when the westernes came up with theories that Islam has long said, we amused ourself with their genius findings!

How weak human are, yeah?

In the last tute, I was wondering off. And the tutor looked at me and ask what would be Islam's opinion on the topic. I looked around to one Arab brother who also took the option because I wasn't sure where to start. He explained the concept of rahmah/rahmat and redha and also one of the functions of dua. I finished off by giving a gist of an ayah in the Quran.

It felt wonderful when non-Muslims ask me about my deen. What I don't understand is why Muslims themselves refused to listen and practic the real Islam: only taking parts that they think are useful and practical to them?

And when the world crumbles down to their feet, they are at loss and start to find things to blame... Those who realized their mistakes would come back to Allah... The saddest part is those who are still in the darkness and still looking for answers from the point of view of human's logic explanation! (yg masih bertuhankan barat DAN dunia!)



  1. Good look with learning Arabic, I too am learning. Inshullah we'll be fluent in the language. I enjoyed your blogging! Peace, Mia

  2. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Thank you, Mia. I wish you all the best as well! :)
