April 5, 2005

The Wonder of Questions: Series 1: Part 3

The last part in the first series, insyaAllah... Let's review the last 3 questions:

In the book, there are 3 questions that human will keep on searching and looking for the answer. And yet, human without the right guidance will not be able to answer them:

Where did we come from?
Why do we exist?
Where are we going later/soon?

I took anthropology last year. They DO provide the answers to these questions and yet, they are NOT satisfying. I'm still wondering how these people could live on the answer that these evolutionist provided when they only raised more questions afterwards?

Look at the evolutionists/human's answer:

1. We come from the product of evolution. We were from the same origin when in billion and zillion years ago, the first organism sprang into life
(from no where, which is so contradictory to their principle- the concept of trades, you loose something when you gain something- because if organisms gain something by springing into life, what’s the trade-off?) And we came from the same root as the monkeys, baboons, gorillas, and orang-utans
(which is so absurd! If we are from the same root as them, then, we can no longer state we’re any different from them because we’re an animal in the end! Isn’t it?)

2. We exist to reproduce.
(No wonder there are so much cases of unwanted pregnancies!)

3. Survival of the fittest: The unfits will die (and all traces gone) while the fits will keep on reproducing, leaving their marks (DNA) that enable the next generation to live.
(So what happen when the next generations die? When IS the real end?)

And now look at Islam’s answer:

1. Allah made us, from a drop of water from man, and soon it becomes a clump of blood, and then a piece of meat, and soon bones which would be enveloped in more meat. And when a baby is born, he is made of Tharaib (women’s breast bone). And these all came from the Quran, when Allah explained the creation of human.
(Surah al-Haj, al-Mu’minun and At-Thariq)

The best thing is, all these run parallel with science, no let me rephrase that, science is the one that run parallel with the Quran! And all these have been in the Quran long before science was even introduced!

Surah Adz Dzariat (51:56) "Dan Aku todak jadikan Jin dan Manusia itu melainkan supaya mereka mengabdikan diri kepadaKu"
(Full stop- what more answer do you need?)

3. We'd be returned back to Allah, just as how we came from Him. We'll be weighted on our deeds and sins and will be rewarded for it. (Surah
Al-Insyiqaaq, Ar-Ruum, Az-Zumar, An-Najm, Al-‘Alaq)

Hence, the Earth is a platform or a stage where we do things to please Allah and in submission to Him because soon, we'd be going back to Him as how He has created us in the first place. And this platform is the place where we do what He has told us to do through His messenger, Muhammad (p.b.u.h). And Muhammad left us with Al-Quran and As-Sunnah as our guidelines.

Thus, why WON’T we follow them (the guidelines) now?

Author's note: Into nasyeed Mawlay at the moment!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    subhanalLah...good article!
    mereka yang tidak percayakan Tuhan, akan sentiasa hidup dalam kekeliruan...kerana apa yang telah ALLAH janjikan..hanya org2 beriman yang akan mencapai ketenangan jiwa...

